Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What I enjoy when the weather gets colder.......

When the weather gets colder, I enjoy to be active inside the house and Maybe dance in the living room. It depends on how much snow, and how cold it is outside for me to play outside. I don't like snow. During the winter time, I will hang out and get to see old friends from public school and I invite them to come sledding with us at the twin sisters. The thing I am not looking up to that I know my sister Anna is going to ( who is doing the music and sing ) Christmas Carroll at Woodman's. We sing while we ring bells for Salvation Army. Two years ago I saw people I know, and they made fun of me!


Victoria Horea said...

I LOVE snow, but I don't like being cold!!!!

Jena Webber said...

I enjoy to be active?

I enjoy being active inside the house. I like to dance in the living room.

eliminate: because personally..
(make this into 2 sentences)

winter time, I will hang out

Is Christmas Carroll at Woodman's a play? (this is unclear)

Sorry they made fun of you. They probably were just teasing you because they liked you.