Friday, August 29, 2008

My goals for this year are..........


I have many goals for life and one is to become a teacher. But to get that far I need to consentrate on this years goal: To pass 7th grade. To do well will put good things on my file to be able to become a good teacher. So that is my main gol for this year.

God means..... to me


God is the one who gave me life. He is the one who lets me do the things I do on this earth. Because of Christ I am here so I owe God my life. Christ is always in my heart and I've known him sense I was nine. I was baptized when I was eleven and have loved him ever sense. So God means everything to me. One more great thing God did for me is he gave me the best family/ friends anyone could have.

The worst thing about being 12......



Ever since I was 9 I would occasionally be asked to come and see how to mow the lawn. When I turned 10 I would be asked to come and mow the lawn to see how i do it. At 11 I would have to mow the lawn most of the time and now being twelve mowing the lawn is always my job. I do not like mowing the lawn when I have to bag because when I bag it is always hot. So my chores with mowing is probably he worst thing about being 12.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Most Amazing Thing That Happened To Me This Summer!!

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted one thing: to get my ears pierced. Finally, my parents told me my waiting was over. When I was ten I was told that I only had to wait two more years. Getting my ears pierced would be a birthday present for my twelfth birthday! I was excited until my sisters told me it was the same for all of them. Even though that was true, getting my ears pierced was still the most amazing thing that happened to me this summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Best Thing About Being 12...

Front Seat!!
Guess what, I CALL SHOT GUN!!!!!!! Now that I'm twelve I can sit in the front seat any time I want! At least, whenever my sisters aren't around. They get the choice of deciding who sits there, since they're older than me. But when they aren't there, I get to have the honor of sitting next to the driver, while my younger brother has 5 more years of waiting. So the best thing about being 12 is being able to sit in the front seat of the car.